
IBMi (AS400) fans only ' From Query to SQL with one command

#IBMiSample Each IBMi user knows they run the most efficient system. All others just have too much money. In most of IBMi we have a large number of QUERIES. Often these QUERIES are provided to end users, with all limitations of this practice. I think this practice is deplorable. How about turning these queries into SQL and then writing an RPG with embedded SQL? The QUERY to SQL translation process is really simple, it only takes one command: RTVQMQRY QMQRY(MyQueryLib/MyQuery) SRCFILE(MyLib/MySrcFile) ALWQRYDFN(*YES) That's it! Below an example of a cursor declaration in an SQLRPGLE program (Sql embedded) // preapre the data recordset exec sql declare C1 cursor for select OTORD00F.OTANN0, OTORD00F.OTCOR0, CLANA00F.CLNOM0 from OTORD00F inner join CLANA00F on OTCCL0 = CLCCL0 where OTANN0 like :F1ANN0lke and OTCOR0 between :F1COR0str and :F1COR0end and CLNOM0 like :F1NOM0lke order by OTCOR0 for read only; Here is a complete SQLRPGLE sample program with SQL embedded . #IBMiSam...

IBMi (AS400) fans only ‘ Another way to manage spooled files

New feature:  F18=Search string into listed files WSF utility, works like WRKSPLF but... New feature: Searching a string into  spooled files New feature: Generate a PDF from a spooled file #IBMiSample Each IBMi user knows they run the most efficient system. All others just have too much money. Users often have many spool-file rows. How to  quickly   find the last done? how to quickly find the one produced on October 15th? These and other options are just a click away. The WRKSPLF command does not show spool-file rows sorted by Creation-Date/Creation-Time, so the last one is not the first one in the list. I thought a different way of looking at spooled-file rows might be useful. In this program (WSF) the spool-file rows appears in order of Creation-Date/Creation-Time, with the last one at the top of the list. I also added the ability to filter each column, for example to see only the rows in HOLD status. I also added the possibility to sort each column ...

IBMi (AS400) fans only ' How to pass parameters to a Query

#IBMiSample Each IBMi user knows they run the most efficient system. All others just have too much money. First of all look at  this post  and compile and populate OTORD00F file to use this example. Let's create a query called Q01A : ccm   represents our parameter to pass to the query. Type F3 Now let's write the CL to pass the ccm parameter to the query: Q01ACL CL ****************** Inizio dati *******************************              PGM        PARM(&CCM)                                          DCL        VAR(&CCM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5)                        STRQMQRY   QMQRY(Q01A) OUTPUT(*) QMFORM(*QMQRY) +                           ALWQRYD...

IBMi (AS400) fans only - How to call a C runtime function from RPG program.

#IBMiSample Each IBMi user knows they run the most efficient system. All others just have too much money. This example comes from This example calls the C runtime printf() function to print a message to the standard output instead of to the external message queue.

IBMi (AS400) fans only : how to read a flat file with sql embedded

#IBMiSample It often happens that you have to read all the records of a file. Years ago I would have used the RPG cycle defining the Input/Primary file. Today, with the introduction of embedded SQL, I would do this: First of all I create a file, then I manually write some records. to create a file I write this SQL source: IPFLSQL.SQL -- --  RUNSQLSTM SRCFILE(myLib/MySouceFile) SRCMBR(IPFLSQL) -- --  Generazione tabella CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE myLib /IPFLI00F ( IIFANN CHARACTER(1) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, IITEXT CHARACTER(25) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT ) RCDFMT IPFLI ;  Run IPFLSQL.SQL with RUNSQLSTM SRCFILE(myLib/MySouceFile) SRCMBR(IPFLSQL) to create the file IPFLI00F. Then populate IPFLI00F with some records. No matter what you type, just a few records are enough. Then compile and run  IPFL01.SQLRPGLE **free // ******************************************************* // *  How to read an entire file from the beginning    ...

IBMi (AS400) fans only : A simple way to create table with Rpg Free & SQL embedded

#IBMiSample Compile and Run this SQLRPGLE to create table CLANA00F, index CLANA01L and table OTORD00F, and populate:       **free       *****************************       * create CLANA00F & OTORD00F       *****************************        ctl-opt option(*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new);         // The EXEC SQL is never executed. It is used at compile time.         exec sql Set Option Commit = *None;         // Create File         exec sql           CREATE or REPLACE TABLE myLib/CLANA00F (           CLANN0 CHARACTER(01) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT,           CLCCL0 NUMERIC(7, 0) GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,           CLCIB0 CHARACTER(03) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT,           CLNOM0 CHARACTE...

IBMi (AS400) fans only : How to send a spool file per Email as TXT attachment

#IBMiSample This CLP  sends a SpoolFile per Email as TXT attachment and need 4 parameters: &SPOOLF Spool file name &SUBJCT Subject &BODY00 body &MAIL01 Email (Pay attention at the "Send Email" note at the bottom) Compile this CLP source with: CRTCLPGM PGM(myLib/SNDSPLF) SRCFILE(myLib/mySourceFile) SRCMBR(SNDSPLF) SNDSPLF.CLP                    PGM        PARM(&SPOOLF &SUBJCT &BODY00 &MAIL01) /*****************************************************************************/ /* Send a SpoolFile per Email as TXT attachment                              */ /* &SPOOLF Spool file name                                                   */ /* &SUBJCT Subject    ...

IBMi (AS400) fans only : How to get *SAVF from Your Desktop to your IBM i System

#IBMiSample Suppose your *SAVF name is  SFFFDV1 For a PC: To FTP to the IBM i system, you should do the following: 1. Place SFFFDV1 in directory C:\TEMP 2. Open a command prompt window (CMD). 3. Type the following: CD C:\TEMP 4. FTP SYSTEMNAME or FTP where SYSTEMNAME is the IBM i system name and is the IP address. Press the Enter key. 5. Type the user ID and password . 6. To change to binary mode, type the following: BIN Press the Enter key. 7. To change the host and client to naming convention type 1, type the following: QUOTE SITE NAMEFMT 1 Press the Enter key. 8. To create the destination file in the library specified so you do not need to create the SAVF first, type the following: PUT SFFFDV1 /QSYS.LIB/ YOURLIB .LIB/SFFFDV1.SAVF Press the Enter key. 9. Now you have on your IBM i the *SAVF SFFFDV1 in your Library. To extract the SAVF objects, on your IBM i, type RSTLIB SAVLIB(FFDV1) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF( YOURLIB /SFFFDV1) Thanks to the IBM page:  ...

IBMi (AS400) fans only : UTILITIES - How to retrieve physical file description


AS/400 fans only : Take it for fun - How to download data from a Web Service - Weather report from

Weather report from   first of all get your own API key on , it's free. The Key looks like '35a545c6ce3bda8347f588353aa59fbd' Compile and run the program below to create the WBSWL00F table that will contain the weather data for a location, each row one location. WBSWL00F.SQLRPGLE       **free       *********************************       * create WBSWL00F Location list *       *********************************        ctl-opt        option(*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new);         // The EXEC SQL is never executed. It is used at compile time.         exec sql Set Option Commit = *None;         // Create File         exec sql           create table WBSWL00F             (         ...