IBMi (AS400) fans only ‘ Another way to manage spooled files

New feature: 
WSF F18=Search string into listed files
F18=Search string into listed files

WSF utility, works like WRKSPLF but...

New feature: Searching a string into spooled files

New feature: Generate a PDF from a spooled file

Each IBMi user knows they run the most efficient system. All others just have too much money.

Users often have many spool-file rows.
How to quickly find the last done?
how to quickly find the one produced on October 15th?
These and other options are just a click away.

The WRKSPLF command does not show spool-file rows sorted by
Creation-Date/Creation-Time, so the last one is not the first one in the list.
I thought a different way of looking at spooled-file rows might be useful.

In this program (WSF) the spool-file rows appears in order of
Creation-Date/Creation-Time, with the last one at the top of the list.

I also added the ability to filter each column, for example to see only the rows in HOLD status.

I also added the possibility to sort each column with F16 or double-click on the column.

I also added the ability to generate a PDF.

I also added... find out for yourself.

Example of F18=Search string into listed spooled files

WSF F18=Search string into listed files

Example of filter on Status=HELD

WSF version of wrksplf Work with Spooled Files

Example of filter on Hour and minute=13:59

WSF version of wrksplf Work with Spooled Files

Example of order By Filename

WSF version of wrksplf Work with Spooled Files

Last but not last, F4=Delete All for user to finally keep the print queues clean for each user

WSF version of wrksplf Work with Spooled Files

If you have a profile on PUB400, type 

then type
WSF (Enter)

to test my WSF (WorkSpooledFiles) utility.

Do you like it? Contact me at aldo.succi.63 (@)

If you are interested in this program Download WSF *SAVF
 (OS Release V7.R2.M0 for those who are not up to date ;-) - New version with Create PDF option and Search string into listed files)

Need some help loading the *savf? 

I appreciate all the comments made on this blog.


Even AI has opinions! Here’s what our virtual friend thinks about WSF—because every tool deserves a little love and constructive feedback! Let’s keep improving together!

I'm posting it exactly as you wrote it!


  1. Hello:

    One thing you could improve in you app is that if you have many spool files and you display one of them, for example, the number 140, when you return to the subfile, you appear again in record number one. One improvement would be staying in the same page and record number you were browsing, becaus if you have many prints and many pages, browsing them would be a headache if you allways start in number one and you must AvPag many times to get to the recoerd you were browsing. I think that for Version 2, you could have this improvement.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much for testing WSF and for your valuable feedback! I appreciate your suggestion regarding improving the navigation when managing large numbers of spool files. I understand how starting back at the first record after displaying a spool file can be inconvenient.

      I’m definitely considering this for Version 2, where I plan to implement a feature that keeps the user on the same page and record they were viewing. This would certainly help with browsing large lists of spool files more efficiently.

      In the meantime, I recommend using the available filters to narrow down the subfile list. For example, you can apply a date filter to reduce the number of entries displayed, making navigation easier.

      Thanks again for your feedback, and I’ll keep you posted on future updates!

  2. Hello:

    I tested a bit more, and as the search engine works well, if you don't mind saying my opinion, when you have several spool pages, navigating through asterisks to know in what spool files is that search term, is a bit confusing. In my honest opinion, it would be better clearing the subfile and list ONLY those spool files that have the search term, I think is more intuitive, and display again all files if you press F12 to cancel search mode.

    Another caveat of your application, is that filtering options are not easy to understand (if you didn't told me to filter by date, I coudn't figure out that those underlines were options and no aestetic underlines).

    Another issue is that I have not been able to switch to another user's spool file listing, only displays mine, so if you want to search others, you must logoff your user and logon the user's profile to view this spool. Editing user would be a great idea.

    And last, in my honest opinion, its a more license / cost issue: Nowadays, all functions that your app is doing, are provided "freely" by the "Printer Output" of the IBM Access Client Soluctions. You can search, convert to PDF, show, filter any kind or any type (by user also) and maintain spool files in a Windows style ease of use, so I can not figure out why people or companies would buy a yearly subscription of your product, when you have a no-cost solution directly and maintained from IBM.

    I installed several products look-alike yours, like SpoolMaster, EZPrint, ALA's Spool Office, Symtrax and others, and all of them offer more than a simple spool browser. They can create overlays and rules of depending the user and name or the spool file, create each overlay with an editor, and having other rules the spool files with overlays and PDF are sending via email in HTML rich format that is completely customizable for where the email is being to be delivered, that is, have more options that only the spool display and search. So, in my honest opinion, I think that 100 euros for year for this is a bit out of market when you can obtain freely from IBM. Of course it's my opinion, the product is yours and you will have the right to do whatever you want, but I think that the product would offer something more than a search facility. Giovanni Perotti has dozens of freeware products more complex and offer them for free, included the source code, for example. Could you have a Free limited product offering something like you are offering, and the licensed product for example to sending mail, or creating overlays etc. Is only an idea. My two cents.

    Best Regards,

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful feedback. I’d like to respond to each of your points:

      WSF’s Design: WSF is created for end users, who typically have fewer spool files, allowing them to easily search across all their spools. That said, your suggestion is excellent, and I will consider it for future improvements.

      Filter Functionality: The details on how to use filters, searches, and other functionalities are explained in this same blog post, including how to filter by date.

      Managing Other Users' Spooled Files: WSF currently handles the spool files of the logged-in user. While I have developed a version that allows managing other users’ spool files, I don’t plan to implement this feature as WSF is mainly targeted toward end users.

      Pricing: I appreciate your perspective. I don’t sell applications professionally, and the price of WSF is minimal just to avoid giving it away for free. I understand the comparison with free tools from IBM, but my aim is not to compete with large vendors.

      Advanced Features: My intention is not to compete with products like SpoolMaster that offer advanced features. WSF was built to meet my personal work needs. If, in the future, features like email integration or creating overlays become necessary, I will certainly consider adding them.

      Thank you once again for your valuable input!


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