
Showing posts with the label printer file

IBMi (AS400) fans only ‘ Another way to manage spooled files

New feature:  F18=Search string into listed files WSF utility, works like WRKSPLF but... New feature: Searching a string into  spooled files New feature: Generate a PDF from a spooled file #IBMiSample Each IBMi user knows they run the most efficient system. All others just have too much money. Users often have many spool-file rows. How to  quickly   find the last done? how to quickly find the one produced on October 15th? These and other options are just a click away. The WRKSPLF command does not show spool-file rows sorted by Creation-Date/Creation-Time, so the last one is not the first one in the list. I thought a different way of looking at spooled-file rows might be useful. In this program (WSF) the spool-file rows appears in order of Creation-Date/Creation-Time, with the last one at the top of the list. I also added the ability to filter each column, for example to see only the rows in HOLD status. I also added the possibility to sort each column ...

PRINTER FILE PRTF - How to print with a externally described printer file
