IBMi (AS400) fans only : Minimalist Subfile with filter fields
First of all please refer to this post to compile and populate the necessary files for this example.
Then, compile the following sources: OT08SF.DSPF for the display file and OT08SF.SQLRPGLE for the RPGLE program.
CHGINPDFT(CS UL HI) INDARA CA03(03 'F3=EXIT') REF(OTORD00F) *----------------------------------------------------------- R SFL1 SFL *----------------------------------------------------------- S1OPT 1A B 6 2 S1ANN0 R +3REFFLD(OTANN0) S1COR0 R + 1REFFLD(OTCOR0) EDTCDE(Z) S1NOM0 R + 1REFFLD(CLANA/CLNOM0 CLANA00F) *----------------------------------------------------------- R FMT01 SFLCTL(SFL1) *----------------------------------------------------------- SFLPAG(0015) SFLSIZ(&NBRRECS) OVERLAY N50 SFLDSP SFLDSPCTL 50 SFLCLR 91 SFLEND(*MORE) RTNCSRLOC(&PM_RCD &PM_FLD) PM_RCD 10A H PM_FLD 10A H SF1NUM 4S 0H NBRRECS 5S 0P 1 26'SUBFILE WITH FILTERS EXAMPLE' F1ANN0 R B 4 6REFFLD(OTANN0) F1COR0 R B + 1REFFLD(OTCOR0) EDTCDE(Z) F1NOM0 R B + 1REFFLD(CLANA/CLNOM0 CLANA00F) + 1'<--FILTERS' +1'A' +1'ORD.NMB' +1'CUSTOMER NAME' *----------------------------------------------------------- R S1CMD *----------------------------------------------------------- S1MSG 78A 23 2 24 2'F3=EXIT'
ctl-opt option(*nodebugio:*srcstmt:*nounref) dftactgrp(*no); dcl-c MaxSFLrec 9999 ; dcl-s F1ANN0lke varchar(35) inz('%') ; dcl-s F1ANN0prv varchar(35) inz(*blanks); dcl-s F1NOM0lke varchar(35) inz('%') ; dcl-s F1NOM0prv varchar(35) inz(*blanks); dcl-s F1COR0str zoned(07) inz(*zeros); dcl-s F1COR0end zoned(07) inz(*hival); dcl-s F1COR0prv zoned(09) inz(*zeros); Exit ind pos(03) inz(*off); DoForF6 ind pos(06) inz(*off); SflClr ind pos(50) inz(*off); SflEnd ind pos(91) inz(*off); end-ds ; OTANN0 char(1); OTCOR0 zoned(7); CLNOM0 char(50); end-ds; // It must be placed just after the last "dcl" declaration. // LANGIDSHR defines the sort sequence as a "shared-weight sort table", // upper/lower insensitive, special characters are treated // "à" as "A" // "é" as "E" and so on. exec sql set option Commit = *None; exec sql set option SRTSEQ = *LANGIDSHR; // preapre the data recordset exec sql declare C1 cursor for select OTORD00F.OTANN0, OTORD00F.OTCOR0, CLANA00F.CLNOM0 from OTORD00F inner join CLANA00F on OTCCL0 = CLCCL0 where OTANN0 like :F1ANN0lke and OTCOR0 between :F1COR0str and :F1COR0end and CLNOM0 like :F1NOM0lke order by OTCOR0 for read only; //*************************************************************** // Start working... //*************************************************************** ReLoadSFL = *on; dow Dspf.Exit = *off; if ReLoadSFL; LoadSFL(); endif; write S1CMD; exfmt FMT01; select; when Dspf.Exit; // F3=Exit leave; when Dspf.DoForF6; // F6=do something // call a program or a subroutine other; // Read user options dow 1 = 1; readc SFL1; if Not %eof; if S1OPT = '1'; // call a program or a subroutine endif; if S1OPT = '2'; // call a program or a subroutine endif; S1OPT = '>'; update SFL1; S1OPT = ' '; else; leave; endif; enddo; endsl; SetFilters(); enddo; exec sql close C1; *inlr = *on; //************************************************************** // Load subfile //************************************************************** dcl-proc LoadSFL; ReLoadSFL = *off; // Clear subfile Dspf.SflClr = *on; write FMT01; Dspf.SflClr = *off; // Load SFL SF1NUM = *zero; exec sql close C1; exec sql open C1; // Read recordset dow Sqlcode = 0 and SF1NUM < MaxSFLrec; exec sql fetch C1 into :RecordDS; if sqlcode = 0; S1ANN0 = OTANN0; S1COR0 = OTCOR0; S1NOM0 = CLNOM0; SF1NUM += 1; write SFL1; else; Dspf.SflEnd = *on; // SFLEND *END endif; enddo; S1MSG = %Editc(NBRRECS:'X') + ' record loaded. No more records + to load'; if sqlcode = 0 and NBRRECS >= MaxSFLrec; // MaxSFLrec reached S1MSG = %Editc(NBRRECS:'X') + ' records loaded. Use filters field + to limit the records to be loaded.'; endif; clear SFL1; SF1NUM += 1; S1ANN0 = '*'; S1MSG = 'No records loaded'; write SFL1; endif; //************************************************************* // Set filters filed //************************************************************* dcl-proc SetFilters; if (F1ANN0 <> F1ANN0prv); // char filter F1ANN0prv = F1ANN0; F1ANN0lke = '%' + %trim(F1ANN0) + '%'; ReLoadSFL = *on; endif; if (F1COR0 <> F1COR0prv); // numeric filter need str & end F1COR0prv = F1COR0; F1COR0str = F1COR0; F1COR0end = F1COR0; ReLoadSFL = *on; endif; if (F1COR0 = 0); // numeric filter: if 0 set from 0 to HiVal F1COR0prv = F1COR0; F1COR0str = *zeros; F1COR0end = *HiVal; endif; if (F1NOM0 <> F1NOM0prv); // Name F1NOM0prv = F1NOM0; F1NOM0lke = '%' + %trim(F1NOM0) + '%'; ReLoadSFL = *on; endif; end-proc; |
Don't forget to set the screen to 132 columns!
I appreciate all the comments made on this blog. For more details and to access the files, check out this link
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